Sunday, October 25, 2009

long time

So i haven't had the time to upload my pictures onto a computer lately. So about 2 weeks ago my art partner in crime decided to get chalk and go around campus and draw whatever our hearts desired. The first place we drew a ocean of crazy fish that became to eat each other hahaha. we then drew flowers that came out of nowhere (that is the best type of flowers). Well close to the art department we drew a big dinosaur that was rawing Art Saves Me!

Lindsay came up for the weekend and we drove around and took pictures but for some reason we never take pictures together. Well this pictures are just nonsense. I did make my hat which i am very proud of and the tutu *spell check*

My goodwill sweater that i got down in fresno :)

1 comment:

  1. arent you the cutest thing :] haha WOW you mentioned FRESNO! AHHH were FAMOUS lol!!!! i love the flowers you guys drew. they are awesome!
