Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fall Falls

Today after lunch my mother, brother, and I went on a little adventure into cemeteries and to parks to pick up chestnuts. It was really interesting to see the different graves and headstones. i really liked the ones that Ives and mos that has started on the stone. it made me think that even though we have stones to remember use nature still tries to take over. Like we came from the grown and we shall return to it. our last cemetery stop was a old small town one. The first time that i went to it was night and i was sort of really scared. Well today today was AWESOME!! i was walking behind my mom and i looked down and found a dollar! WOOHOO! But of course my mother was mad she was like no that's mine! i dont think im going to spend it i wanna keep it forever. oh funny when i got in the car my mom told my that the money is bad luck...ohh she is so cute. She is just sad she didn't see the money.
On the ride my mother has wanted wheat for the longest time, just so that she can look at it :) we stopped by and cut some on the side of the road. It was really cool to pick up chestnuts they are so soft. It was cook to see a squirrel in action. Today was super fun!

Darn homework! well at least i got some sewing done to keep me from going nuts in the week.


  1. hahaha get it? going NUTS!!! lol :] your mom is cool and its cool you went to the cemetery the only time i have ever gone is for a funeral lol.

  2. lol well i had to go for homework and i thought it was kind of cool like i would never go at night blahh scary!! but i thought it was kind of pretty lol it kind of makes me think again about how short we are here for
