Sunday, December 26, 2010

MERRY 2 hours late CHRISTMAS!

So i haven't posted in a long time, because my computer is running out of space and i don't like uploading too many pictures but i will tonight :)
So for thanks giving me and my sister-in-law decided to make different cookies every week before christmas and these are a few of what we made. I had a lot of fun making the sugar cookies i ate a lot of the dough and it made me sick a bit but thats ok.

So my friend saw me crocheting some time, and he was like hey you should make me a scarf. At first i was like hmm i probably wont get it done because i have more motivation when i am making something for myself but i was kind of getting sick of working with the same thing. So i went and bought yarn and made him one. I made it in like 6 days! i was soo surprised with myself! and i put my own little tag on it hahaha :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Jack Johnson

The first weekend of Oct was amazing i was able to see Jack Johnson at the Gorge Amphitheater. I saw him preform there in 2005, which was my first concert. He is my favorite artist of all time. I went with friends and enjoyed the first half on the lawn. For jack johnson we went down to the pit which was amazing! It was funny because the girl with the glasses was a drunk girl trying to chill with us. I had an amazing time just like the first.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

El Salvador

So this is a little bit of El Salvador. I didnt take as many pictures as i wanted but these are some of my favorites.

We went to the beach and didnt get in cause it wasn't how we expected it to be.
It took us a long time to go visit a family member and my sister-in-law, my brother and me ended up spending a lot of time in the church because it was open and cool. It started raining and it was pretty wonderful.
Mamelisa washing dishes :)
This is now in seattle area and thought it was a beautiful day! :)

Monday, September 6, 2010


I came to think that i have a new cat and i have not posted anything on my child.
Well he is about 5 months old now and he is a munchkin cat which means he has short legs.
This is how they are born and they are super cute. His first legs are shorter than the back so he walks funny. He is very active and doesn't take crap from Mushu my brother's cat that is now angry at the world for not being the center of attention now.

this was when i first got him :)
:) what a cute ducky
Me and my room mate sneeked him into the dorms :)
first time going to the vet and he did great! :)
Brothers even though they have their issues haha :)

the fair!

So this year my brother, sister in law, and I entered something into the fair (it got us a fee entry yay).
I wanted to do a button theme canvas. I when to micheal's crafts store and got a frame very simple and stapled thick fabric to it and began sewing buttons to it. this is what came out.

I have never entered something to a fair so it was pretty awesome to see my canvas in a glass container. I felt like a kid when i saw that i got first place. The emotions just came though because a lot of people got first place. hahaha i guess the way that they judge isn't on everybody just on a couple people.
Well it was cool because my brothers picture got 1st and my sister in law got 1st on her cupcakes which is a no brainier THEIR THE BEST!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tie Dye

i went to my friends house to hang out with her before she left for a week adn i colored this for her when i drew the black lines i didnt think of how i would take so long to color. At the end i was very happy with all the wonderful colors crayola provided me haha.

I bought the shirt at wal-mart which is miley cyrus, they are very comfy so i bought 2 white ones and thought i would put my own look to them. the underwhere in from forever21 and haha white underwear is funny to me.
I trired out using the color gray which i have never used and im pretty happy with how light it turned out .
sorry i didnt rotate the picture. I just ended up putting really defined rings on the back of the shirt.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Awkward family photos

So my Co-worker told me about awkward family photos and i decided to check it out. these are just a few that i thought were funny.Its funny because i loved Babar. I would love one of those mask too.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


So at work the vitamins come in small boxes that would be good for all my small things. They are boring brown with the sticker of the vitamin so i taped magazine things to the side of it and it makes it look more fun.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The last little bit of school

The week of finals i went to the whitman college which is a liberal arts school and i am falling in love with the buildings and such artistic pieces that they have all over the campus. My creative side came out when i was suppose to be studdying and i couldn't resist taking pictures.

For memorial weekend the thursday before i went to portland OR to see the John Butler Trio Band. I had the best luck ever in a concert i caught the artist jumping!! It was amazing!! They put on a great show and the crystal ballroom is so pretty inside.

Sunday I headed to Bend, OR to see She & Him and Band of Horses. Zooey Deschanel has a beautiful voice. I think she is shy because she didn't interact with the crowd, but that is ok with me.
Band of horses was so good!!! They are a country rock type of sound. My friends and i got to touch the lead singer, he came and sang to the crowd it was so cool!!
I went to Pallouse falls with my brother and sister in law (and their friends) about 3 weekends ago and thought this would be a funny picture haha :)

I am in a great mess of clothes and trying to organize my room. Most of all i was to get simple and get rid of things that i don't need and won't ever use. I haven't made a lot of things...well thats not true i will have to post pictures of my pottery!! :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A little surprise

My brother thought he was so funny when he pulled out an old sponge in front of the pineapple.
It was really funny actually and really random, but random is just normal.
So for about 3 weeks i have gotten everything ready for this little guy. My next door neighbor's cat had kittens, but the mama cat is a munchkin cat. This is where the cats have short legs. Out of the 3 kitties that she had only one came out with short legs. It's a boy and his half the size of his siblings (normal size). I decided to call him Max like from Where the Wild Things Are and the dog on the Grinch.

P.S. I had given my camera to my friend's mom and she dropped it. :( Its alright now because She bought me one and its an up grade to what i had before so Im excited to get it in the mail.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

No Camera

After my Coast trip (Valentines day) i hadent looked for my camera charger and discovered that i probably had left it at the beach house. NOT GOOD! I am really said cause now the only camera i have is a disposition one. I want to take pictures of so many things and i forget that my camera is dead. I ordered another charger and found out that its back ordered LAME!! So i will probably have to use my brothers sense he kind of owns me.
well i hope you have a good day and that i will my camera up and shooting soon!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

No joke i havent posted in a while

Yes i havent posted much in a long time because i havent made anything. I have started on remodeling the other mushroom and i love it so far just need to finish putting the fabric on the bottom. I bought a staple gun and its super fun to use. This new quarter i have had no time to sew it makes me sad but i have been making things in pottery class which is super fun. Its way harder than what i was expecting.
well last Friday the sun came out and we went on a photoshoot on this highway that is being built and no cars go on it yet its awesome. i keeping thinking one day we will never be able to take photos there anymore :(
Me and my new roommate got book that the library was throwing away so we decieded to take some and use them for art. this photo is the first use they had.
The shoe tree i just can't get enough of. We stopped here because we sent to sisters OR for a summer camp staff retreat. I have applied for the art teacher at camp i really hope that i get it but i need to put it in God's hands. But it would be awesome TO get that job.
My friends and I had a movie night and we made pie crust (no pie)and put butter, syrup, and blueberries on top of them It was so good.
This picture was taken on a lazy Sabbath day that we just had fun :)

well thats what has been up with my life as of today :) i hope to post some stuff up about projects that i have begun but not finished :( but hopfully will finish :)