Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The last little bit of school

The week of finals i went to the whitman college which is a liberal arts school and i am falling in love with the buildings and such artistic pieces that they have all over the campus. My creative side came out when i was suppose to be studdying and i couldn't resist taking pictures.

For memorial weekend the thursday before i went to portland OR to see the John Butler Trio Band. I had the best luck ever in a concert i caught the artist jumping!! It was amazing!! They put on a great show and the crystal ballroom is so pretty inside.

Sunday I headed to Bend, OR to see She & Him and Band of Horses. Zooey Deschanel has a beautiful voice. I think she is shy because she didn't interact with the crowd, but that is ok with me.
Band of horses was so good!!! They are a country rock type of sound. My friends and i got to touch the lead singer, he came and sang to the crowd it was so cool!!
I went to Pallouse falls with my brother and sister in law (and their friends) about 3 weekends ago and thought this would be a funny picture haha :)

I am in a great mess of clothes and trying to organize my room. Most of all i was to get simple and get rid of things that i don't need and won't ever use. I haven't made a lot of things...well thats not true i will have to post pictures of my pottery!! :)

1 comment:

  1. POTTERY! :D I need to see them woman! Everything else looks amazing! Im glad you have been having fun! I havent posted anything unless i post pictures of my Chemistry homework hahaha :D But maybe ill post something for 4th of july....just MAYBE haha miss ya!!
