Friday, October 30, 2009

day before halloween

Tomorrow is Halloween and i have been busy trying to fit as many halloweeny things into my weekend. I hung out with my friend this week and i just wanted to wear my hoodie...why not?

So i have been wanting to melt a record but just haven't gotten the time to melt :) VeeBee:]taught me the ways of melting on her blog i had my bowl in there for about 20 mins. so easy
I carved pumpkins to day it was really fun because i had small ones. I used them as candle holders which look really pretty lighten up. The pumpkins cost 25cents which is really cheap and the candles i had already but i am sure that they aren't expensive. this is a really nice way to bring in the thanksgiving spirit in.there are more Halloween post coming :)


  1. OH WOW i LOVED your PUMPKIN AND CANDLES!!!! i want to make them >.< now you got me in the holiday spirit hahaha!!! WOW

    i applaud you :]

  2. i liked how you gave a link to my site! WOOT WOOT! :D awesome
